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We buy and sell quality used machinery and equipment for the paper and pulp industry

LG Machinery is a company that supplies everything from complete pulp and paper making machines to processing and finishing machines, all of high quality. We also supply spare parts. With our long experience in international trading and shipping, we can offer a full service, including marketing for sellers and global shipping for buyers.

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Complete Machines

We negotiate the purchase of complete factories and equipment for the pulp and paper making industry. We buy and sell all equipment for paper refinement, including spare parts. Through our broad network of contacts, we can assist you in finding alternative solutions and products. 

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Processing Machines

Processing and post processing machinery for paper refinement include pulping machines, pumps, strainers, tanks, grinders, roll grinders, and unreeling machines. We will source your requirements and give you professional and immediate feedback.

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Spare Parts

We source used spare parts for paper machinery, pumps, grinders, processing and finishing machines for the pulp and paper industry. Our staff will come back to you with a quotation and specifications as quickly as possible. 

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Delivery and Shipping

We offers a full shipping and delivery service to any global destination via our incorporated distribution network. Shipping price is offered separately upon request. We have shipped orders to many global destinations, including Dubai, Egypt, China, South Korea and New Zealand.

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New Delhi






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